


In general, the most reagents are normally provided free, such that our distributors or clients can prepare them by themselves. if required or under some special sales conditions, we also provide with the high quality reagents which is tested in our analyzer in factory.


About reagents preparation, please contact UNIVERSAL or your local distributor.


Spare parts

Universal Instrument, Inc sets up a complete spare parts supply chain to keep the analyzers run normally.

In general, the whole analyzer based on the micro-electronic life, will be kept in good for over 5 years or longer in good condition. The main spare parts are the wet-parts, e.g. the pump, valves, tubing, stirrer, electrodes.

In each specified manual which will be shipped out with the analyzer, you can find the article mumble of the necessary spare parts

The end user will order the spare parts with the article mumbles easily and quickly.


About Spare parts ordering, please contact UNIVERSAL or your local distributor.